Saxifraga sponhemica

Detaillierte Bibliographie: Linton (1887)

Edward F. Linton (1887): Report of the distributor for 1886.
In: The Botanical Exchange Club of the British Isles. Report for 1886, 143–164. — Manchester: James Collins & Co..

p. 153: «[...]
Saxifraga sponhemica, Gmel. Cwm Idwal, Carnarvon, June, 1886.—J. E. Griffith. Thoroughly typical.—E. F. L.
S. sponhemica, Gmel. Cwm Idwal, Carnarvon, 13th August, 1886. Also central Crag of the Brecon Beacons, 14th July, 1886. — Augustin Ley. Both agreed to by Professor Babington.
Kursivierung wie im Original.

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