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Botanical Exchange Club [Washington, D.C.]

gegründet 1888 in Washington

Bisher sind keine abweichenden Namensformen belegt.

Geschichtlicher Abriss
«Mr. Coville made a report on the present condition of the Botanical Exchange Club. There are twenty members. Of the forty dollars received as membership fees, there remains, after paying for printing, postage and other necessary expenses, a balance of $14.76. A considerable saving might be effected if the privilege of using the government frank could be secured in forwarding the return packages. 3,260 specimens have been received from members and 1,295 sent in return, leaving more than half still on hand. Printed copies of the rules were distributed.» [Bot. Gaz. 14, 10 (X.1889): 267.]
Februar 1993: «Dr. J. H. Sandberg, of Minneapolis, invites the co-operation of botanists in the establishment of a botanical exchange bureau. The Botanical Division of the Department of Agriculture has decided, after consulting the members, to turn over to him the work of the Botanical Exchange Club.» [Bot. Gaz.18, 2 (15.II.1893): 79.]

Orte mit Bezug zur Institution
OpenStreetMapWikidataWashington (US)Gründungsort1888

Autor dieses Biogramms:
Christof Nikolaus Schröder
Quellen in chronologischer Sortierung
Vasey (1888): The proposed Botanical Exchange Club. — Bot. Gaz. 13, 2 (II.1888): 36–37. ♦ Vasey (1888): The proposed Botanical Exchange Club. — Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15, 2 (1.II.1888): 49–51. ♦ Vasey (1888): Rules for the Botanical Exchange Club. — Bot. Gaz. 13, 6 (VI.1888): 160–161. ♦ Vasey (1888): Rules for the Botanical Exchange Club. — Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 15, 6 (2.VI.1888): 167–168. ♦ Vasey (1888): The Botanical Exchange Club. [informal report] — Bot. Gaz. 13, 9 (IX.1888): 240–241. ♦ Vasey, Watson & al. (1888): To the members of the Botanical Club of the A. A. A. S. — Bot. Gaz. 13, 5 (V.1888): 132–133. ♦ Vasey (o.J.*): Rules for the Botanical Exchange Club. — Einblattdruck. ♦ Anonymus (o.J.*): List of species which no more are wanted in the Botanical Exchange Club Collection. — Einblattdruck.

* vor 13.II.1891

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